Saturday, August 4, 2012

Gonna Make This Place My Home

Hello from Houston! My car is empty! And don't worry, it's not because someone took my stuff. I unpacked my belongings into my new home! This morning after a lovely breakfast at the hotel, we made a pit stop at Bed, Bath, and Beyond (I forgot pillows of all things...), and went to my house!
We told Kathleen, the JV I'm replacing, that we'd meet her at noon, but it was only 11:30 so we decided to pass by the house on Polk Street and continue on to check out Cristo Rey. There is a ton of constuction happening at the school, but it was great to even see a little bit of it! I am so excited to start my work there. I just found out I'll be teaching three sections of Freshmen writing seminar and one of Drama. I can't wait to meet the kids!
We got back to Polk Street in a much more direct way than getting to CRJ.. Houston has been a bit challenging to navigate so far, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon. Once we pulled in the driveway, I went up on our adorable porch and met Kathleen! It was so good to finally meet her, as she's been so helpful over the past few weeks. She gave us a tour of the house and helped us move my stuff in. It's a very cute house, nicely air conditioned and very big! The closets are huge, which is great.
Tomorrow is the big day! My Dad's flight is in the morning, and I will hopefully be on the road to Normangee,TX by 2 for my orientation. You won't hear from me for a while- I'll be in a tech-free zone as far as I know for a few days at least, but I'll be sure to update you all when I return :). I can't believe that I start tomorrow- I am so excited, but I am a little nervous and overwhelmed at the same time. I can't believe I'll be living in Houston for a year! Prayers and positive energy will be much appreciated.

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