Friday, October 5, 2012

The bigger your hair, the closer you are to God.

While watching Friday Night Lights on Monday evening with Karen, that line stood out to me: "The bigger your hair, the closer you are to God." This is so Texas in every sense of the word. If you're a woman in Texas, your hair is big. It could be big because you put hours of effort and pounds of hairspray into it to make it that way, or it could be big just because you're in Texas and it's 195% humidity.

So yes, my hair is big today. It's in a ponytail... a big ponytail. I guess that means I'm pretty close to God, which is a nice thought on this Friday afternoon.

This was a LONG week. Monday seems like it was so far away, and I am so looking forward to a relaxing weekend. I was out to dinner Tuesday (at Chris and Ryan's again, where I had an amazingly delicious dinner again...), and last night we had a JVC fundraiser at Block 7 Wine Bar, which was a lot of fun, but waking up this morning was not.

We got to meet a lot of FJVs who live in Houston last night, and it was really fun to talk to people who used to live in our houses and know exactly how we feel and what we're going through. It was also so lovely to have a huge representation from CRJ at the event- our principal, some board members, as well as other CRJ supporters were there, and when I introduced myself to the whole room, they were clapping and smiling to cheer me on. Yet another reminder of how amazing this community is :).

Wednesday was a tough day- my drama kids failed a test (for the most part), so I was disappointed in them and simultaneously questioning my own teaching abilities, I had to emergency sub two classes, and I wasn't feeling 100%. Soccer practice was fun (there will be a whole post about soccer later...), but when I got home, I received a text message with news no one ever wants to receive. A good friend of mine from high school lost her mom on Wednesday, and while I had been griping about having such a bad day, my whole world got put into perspective.

Sure I had a frustrating day at school, but the people who mean the most to me in the world are all happy and healthy. Though it's challenging, I'm doing good work every day, and I had a wonderful, supportive community to go home to. A glass of wine and a movie with my roommates followed up by phone conversations with my parents and Tom made me feel a lot better, but I'm definitely so ready for this weekend!

I'm cat/apartment-sitting for Chris and Ryan while they're at a wedding, which means that tonight I'll be on my own, eating food that they have left for me, and enjoying some amenities that I don't get in my every day life as a JV (a new kitchen and cable TV!). It will a nice mini-vacation for me, and the perfect way to relax after a long week.

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