Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Into the Wild

Tomorrow morning, I begin my trek into what I'm calling "real Texas," for our JVC "Re-Orientation." It's a winter retreat focused around social justice with all of the JVs in the south, and I'm really looking forward to it!

The JVs from New Orleans and Mobile are on their way here and are staying at the other Houston house for the evening, and we'll see them for brunch tomorrow. We will then drive to Leakey, TX, the county seat of Real County (I just googled Leakey and found that out...for real. I can't make this up. It really is real Texas!), a land where cell phone towers don't even reach.

I'm off the grid until Sunday, folks, and into the wild. Wish me luck. This Yankee doesn't quite know what she's getting herself into. Stories to follow! xo

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