Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Replace It

I have so many things to post about that it's hard to pick just one, but I don't really want to ignore the significance of today, so look for posts about Mardi Gras in the next few days.

Today is a high, holy day. It has been held sacred by my ancestors and will be held dear by my descendants. We pause to reflect on the season ahead of us. We think back to the sins of the past and hope for a brighter future. That's right folks, Philadelphia's pitchers and catchers begin spring training today. Phighting Phils are back!

Ok, really today is Ash Wednesday, a HUGELY important day in the Church. I am also pretty happy about the Phils being back in action. Megan and I spent much of the past few days singing "it's the most wonderful time of the year," but that too will be another post.

Right. Ash Wednesday. Lent.

In Lents past, I have given up chocolate, the elevator, processed food (that was tricky as a college student), the snooze button, and a whole host of other things. I have tried to make it to daily mass three times a week, but otherwise, my giving up hasn't really been replaced with anything.

We had a spirituality night last night that gave us the chance to reflect upon a lot of the meaning of Lent and its three main components: prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. The three are more connected than many Catholics realize, and after having read this awesome article in America magazine, I took some time to further reflect on what my Lenten promise(s) would be for the year.

So, here goes nothing:
  • I will not carry my phone with me during the day, in hopes that I'm completely present to my students and coworkers, and am not distracted by the time (that's why I have a watch) or incessantly checking my email.
  • I will listen to and pray with a recording of Compline each evening, the Night prayer of the liturgy of the hours that I really love but don't make the time for.
  • I will write one letter each day to someone who has had a really big impact on my life. I will dedicate my prayers to the "person of the day."
  • I will find 15 minutes each day at school to reflect on my day and pray. I have been doing this most of the time, but I'm going to make it a habit.
  • I will spend holy week in a "social media fast." No facebook, twitter, instagram, or anything else. The time I use on social media will be spent in prayer and reflection.
  • NO MORE CRAP FOOD. I sometimes indulge in fast food on a Friday or Saturday evening- no more. See ya, french fries. This is a bad habit that I've gotten into during JVC and I'm going to get right back out of it.
Sounds like a lot, but I think I can do it. The idea is that when you give something up, it will bring you closer to God, so you REPLACE it with something else, like prayer or service.  I will replace wasted time with prayer, and dedicate that time to someone I love each day. This is also going towards my goal to simplify. If I simplify my actions and choices, I will be able to reflect more on their meaning and it will bring me closer to God.

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